S. S. Sahoo

Stories: 8

Stories by name

Besaste mi alma
Besaste mi alma
Atravesaba la jungla oscura con rapidez, echando miradas hacia atrás para cerciorarse de que nadie la seguía, cuando de repente algo grande saltó por encima de ella. Se detuvo en seco, respirando profundamente para serenar el frenético palpitar de su corazón tras la carrera. El lobo marrón, con el rostro manchado de sangre y una oreja rasgada, la miró fijamente y emitió un gruñido antes de girar sobre sí mismo y adentrarse aún más en la espesura del bosque, desapareciendo de su vista. Ella exhaló un suspiro de alivio, creyendo que el animal salvaje se había ido, probablemente asustado por ella, pero entonces un gruñido grave resonó a sus espaldas. Sobresaltada, se giró con lentitud para encontrarse con la mirada de un lobo que era el doble de grande que el anterior, clavada en ella.
The Bewitched Knights- Acenica
The Bewitched Knights- Acenica
The journey of Ace Knights, son of rich billionaire businessman, Mr. Xavier Knights as he swims through life's difficulties to his destination of being an astronaut while being bewitched by a certain nowhere in sight, a woman named Veronica Sullivan. Ace Knights grew up submerged in his books and in search of knowledge and all his life he had thought that he was going to remain like that, pillared to his reach his only dream and that was to become an astronaut. But never in his life, had he thought that once, transferred to the London School of Science, he would meet a girl who would captivate his attention to the point where he finds himself deviated from his life goal. But even though he wanted to put her away from him he couldn't. And finally when he thought he could no longer pursue his dreams he was proven wrong, by the same girl as her feelings were not mutual and she unlike him went further to pursue her ambitions leaving him behind. Join the story of Ace and Veronica as they go through life's challenges and ultimately find the one they love and are destined to be with.
Invitación irresistible
Invitación irresistible
Jamás hubiera imaginado que incluso el diablo podría caer en las redes del destino y terminar casándose a la fuerza con una mujer. Sin embargo, lo que él no sabía era que la mujer con la que se unió por coacción, movido por algún tipo de venganza, se transformaría en su razón de ser, el latido de su corazón, su amor eterno. Zachary Udolf Sullivan es un multimillonario exitoso, pero lo que la gente desconoce es que él no es simplemente un empresario más, sino también un líder; y no cualquier líder, sino el cabecilla de una organización mafiosa. Sumérgete en la historia para descubrir por qué Zachary se casó de manera forzosa con una mujer llamada Juliette Swanson. ¿Fue por amor o por venganza?
Irresistible Invitation
Irresistible Invitation
Never imagined that the devil himself falls into the trap of destiny and gets married to a woman forcefully. But little did he knew that the woman he married forcefully for some kind of revenge will become his reason to live, his heartbeat, his love for eternity. Zachary Udolf Sullivan a successful Billionaire but what people did not know about him is that he is not just some simple Businessman but also a leader, not just some leader but a Mafia Leader. Get into the story to know why he married a woman named Juliette Swanson forcefully. Was it for love or Revenge?
Embelesados - Chispas de amor
Embelesados - Chispas de amor
Antes conocida como "Chispas de Amor" La lluvia me calaba hasta los huesos, haciendo que mi ropa se adhiriera a mi cuerpo como si fuera una extensión de mi piel. Mi cabello oscuro, inerte, se pegaba a mí, incitando aún más a Eden. Era evidente mi sostén rojo a través de la camisa que se había vuelto transparente. Capté el destello de deseo en la mirada de Eden. Me recorrió con sus ojos, su mirada ardiente se posó en mi pecho. Avanzó hacia mí con pasos felinos, sin desviar la vista de mis labios. Yo, paralizada, permanecía allí. Conocía sus intenciones, pero no me movía. Al fin y al cabo, solo era un beso, ¿no? No le haría daño a nadie. Y yo... yo lo anhelaba. Esperé, ansiosa, humedeciendo mis labios mientras él inclinaba la cabeza y me rodeaba con sus brazos, atrayéndome hacia su cuerpo. Se acercó y yo cerré los ojos. Pero justo antes de que sus labios encontraran los míos, un grito furioso nos hizo saltar en separación. "¡¡¡SANGAVI!!!" retumbó una voz colérica. Al reconocerla, giré la cabeza hacia él, atónita, para encontrarme con su imponente figura que se sacudía con violencia. ¡Dios mío! Estaba enfurecido. No, más bien era la personificación de la furia. Sus ojos estaban inyectados en sangre y sus puños, apretados. Decir que tenía miedo sería minimizarlo. Estaba aterrada... Sin embargo, me rondaba una sola pregunta: "¿Qué diablos le pasa?". ******** Carter y Theller. Theller es el jefe. Carter es su secretaria, mitad india y mitad americana. Lee la historia para descubrir más.
Steamy Stories
Besotted- Sparks of Love
Besotted- Sparks of Love
Previously known as "Sparks of Love" The rain drenched me, making my clothes cling to me like a second skin. My dark hair lay motionless,resting against me, tempting Eden even more. You could very clearly see my red bra through my now transparent shirt. I watched as desire shone in Eden's eyes. He looked me up and down, his heated gaze lingering on my chest. He took predatory steps towards me, his eyes never leaving my lips. I stood there, frozen. I knew what he wanted to do but still I stood there. It was just a kiss right? Wasn't going to hurt anyone. Plus I wanted this. I waited in anticipation, wetting my lips as he cocked his head and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me towards him. He leaned in and I closed my eyes. But before his lips could touch mine an angry shout made us jump apart. "SANGAVI!!!" bellowed an angry voice. On recognizing that voice, my head whipped towards him in shock as I stared at his deadly figure which shook violently. Oh god! He was mad. No scratch that he was ferocious. His eyes were bloodshot and his arms were balled into a fist. To say I was scared would be an understatement. I was petrified....... But my only question is "What the hell is his problem?" ******** Carter and Theller. Theller is the boss Carter is his half Indian half American Secretary. Read the story to know more.
Steamy Stories
You Kissed My Soul
You Kissed My Soul
Running through the dark jungle she made sure to look back for any traces of anyone following her but then something big jumped over her and she stopped in her tracks as she took in deep breaths to calm down her racing heart from all that running. The brown wolf with a bloodied face and a torn ear looked back at her and snarled at her before it turned around and ran deeper into the woods out of her sight. She took a breath of relief as she thought the wild animal went away probably scared from her but then a low growl was heard from behind her as she grew alarmed and slowly turned around only to meet a wolf twice the size of the previous one, staring at her.
Irresistible Love
Irresistible Love
"You have two choices," he said as he came closer to me. His breath fanning on my face, as I pushed myself backward but remained stuck between him and the wall. "Either come with me or..." he moves his hand up and trailed a finger on the side of my jaw causing me to yelp in fear. "I'll drag you back to where you actually belong to," he leaned down towards my ear and as his hot breath fanned my ear, I pushed him hard on his chest and then ran away from him as fast as I could. "And you only belong to me," he yelled as I ran terrified and horrified. Tears streaming down my face in anger and also because of confusion.
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